The for Santana's version with one of the greatest guitar breaks ever!!
the title pretty much says it all.. it's true that there are many classics that simply can't be topped but it doesn't stop people from trying anyway.
and what do ya know; occasionally someone does succeed.
here i will post at least one notable example....
The for Santana's version with one of the greatest guitar breaks ever!!
These 2 guys took me back to being 14 again...they are Randy Bachman and Fred Turner from Bacman Turner Overdrive. I saw them in July at a festival in London. I remember listening to their album 'Not Fragile' way back then and they played most of that at the festival.
oh wait, i threw them all out.. as you were..
or the matches????
MM....are you sure??? I mean it's a pretty unusual name!!!
Mine comes up with the comedy sketch by the two ronnies,and that takes up most of the list,however there is a four candles pub in Oxford and and electrician advertising his services......but no sign of yours truly.
However I did find this,which some of you may have seen before,I think it's nice.
Four candles are burning slowly in the dark room. It is so quite that you can hear their talk. The first candle said: “I am Peace, but nobody wants to support me. I suppose that I will die down. ” The flame of that candle became slow down, and very soon it died.
The second one told others : ”I am Faith. People are not interested in me any more, so I do not have any sense to burn.” The flame of the candle disappeared instantly thanks to blowing wind.
The third candle began her speech very dreary:”I am Love. I do not have any forces to be on fire. Human beings reject me, and what is more they do not want to realize the importance of my existence. They even forget to love their nearest and dearest.” It also vanished with speed.
Suddenly little boy came into the room. He began to cry when he saw that three candles had already disappeared. “Why have you died? You should be in fire completely!”
The fourth candle said: ”Stop crying! While I am still burning we can help others because I am Hope!”
The happy child took the candle of hope and lit other candles.
The light of hope should never die in our lives.
I expect that faith, peace and love will always accompany us!
From Cumbria......back to cheshire......Derbyshire.......Anglesey.........back to Derbyshire.....................then Guernsey. This was where I attended my last meeting.
Now in Mid Wales.
i love psychedelic music.
some of my favorites include the beatles' "blue jay way", .
the beastie boys' "namaste",.
Try some Moby Grape,Jimmy....really good stuff!!!
i love psychedelic music.
some of my favorites include the beatles' "blue jay way", .
the beastie boys' "namaste",.
Baked Jam Roll in your eye by Timebox.
Anything by Hawkwind, and a great band called Pre Med. Check out their album 'The Truth About Us'
but damm it can be tough on the outside!!
!.....hi old would be sooooo much easier if you work for a company...with normal people around you....but damm if you have your own biz for thirty years with five jw employees out of 15 that pretty much run your company.....well just crap!!
!....anyhwho.....good luck to all moving can be a bitch...but it is worth it....and damm divorce is a bitch...and so is settlement...and so is fukkin alimony!!!!!!
Somebody mention Wild turkey???? I'm there!!! First ones on me Oompa!!!!!
i recall being young and having a lovely solo pianist accompanying the singing in our hall.. in around the late 70's the obligatory (canned, sad) recorded music replaced live musicians.. anyone have any more detailed memories of live music and the subsequent changeover?.
I saw Slipknot live at Manchester Assembly hall once!!!!